28 Apr, 2023 | News
The effect of inflation on large retailers' budgets. Higher prices may lead to higher revenues, however, this may be offset by higher raw material costs and wages. In addition, inflation...
26 Apr, 2023 | News
Esselunga has decided not to expand its network of stores in recent years. The company's strategy focuses on opening large areas in strategic areas, rather than a widespread distribution throughout Italy. This has...
12 Apr, 2023 | News
In the United Kingdom, food prices hit an all-time high of +18 percent, causing a financial strain on households, exacerbated by Brexit. UNITE researchers analyzed the top 350 companies on the London Stock Exchange, revealing that the margin...
8 Apr, 2023 | News
Federdistribuzione concerned about suffering consumption: economic uncertainty and inflation impact the budgets of Italian families, who are changing their purchasing habits. According to a recent Ipsos survey, 56 percent of Italians perceive that...